Start your hub
Do you want to start a hub? Fill out the form below and we'll contact you as soon as possible to help you start up!
Surname and first name
Email address*
Hub type
If you only manage your online store (products, prices, stock,...), you will fall under the category 'One producer'. The start-up is free and you pay €50/month.
If you want to start a hub where multiple producers manage their own products and all products have to be bundled and delivered or picked up together, you fall under the category 'Multiple producers (Hub)'. Within that category, you can choose how you want to start: either with a higher entry fee (€ 8.000) and a lower percentage on turnover (2%), or without an entry fee but with a degressive percentage on turnover (start 4%).
A hub can work as a retailer (retail hub - reseller between farmer and customer) or can facilitate direct sales from farmers to customers (facilitation hub). More info on our
I don't know yet
1 producer (€50 / month)
Multiple producers (Hub) - one-off €0 entry fee + 4-2% (degressive) percentage on turnover
Multiple producers (Hub) - one-off €8000 entry fee + 2% percentage on turnover
Would you like a custom home page (with information about your project, FAQ, contact form, ...)
I don't know yet
How many cooperative B shares do you want to buy? (at least 1, maximum 20)
of je liever coöperant wordt als natuurlijk persoon/eenmanszaak of als bedrijf. You can sell these shares back after 2 years in case of a termination of the cooperation.
1 (€ 250.00)
2 (€ 500.00)
3 (€ 750.00)
4 (€ 1,000.00)
5 (€ 1,250.00)
6 (€ 1,500.00)
7 (€ 1,750.00)
8 (€ 2,000.00)
9 (€ 2,250.00)
10 (€ 2,500.00)
11 (€ 2,750.00)
12 (€ 3,000.00)
13 (€ 3,250.00)
14 (€ 3,500.00)
15 (€ 3,750.00)
16 (€ 4,000.00)
17 (€ 4,250.00)
18 (€ 4,500.00)
19 (€ 4,750.00)
20 (€ 5,000.00)
What is the name of the hub you want to start?
If you don't know it yet, you can leave this field empty.
What is the domain name of the hub you want to start?
e.g. www.myfarmerproducts.be If you don't know it yet, you can leave this field empty.
Who registers and manages the domain?
Linked.Farm registers and manages the domain (free of charge). The 'name' remains your property.
I want to register and manage the domain name myself (and am responsible for dns, email, spf, mx, ...)
What is the email address you want to use for outgoing emails from the system?
e.g. info@linkedfarm.eu If you don't know it yet, you can leave this field empty.
Who is your target audience?
I don't know yet
B2C (private individuals) mainly, but B2B (companies) is welcome too
Mostly companies, but private individuals are allowed to order too
Only private individuals
Only companies
How do you want to handle the accounting?
I don't know yet
I am producer and sell directly to the end consumer
I buy from producers and sell to customers
I facilitate a direct sale from producer to customer (comparable to boeren&buren & voedselteams)
Which languages do you wish to use?
Use the ctrl-key to select multiple languages. (apple: ⌘)
Send us an email